Coordinate and oversee the implementation of the projects which include:
- The Vanuatu Inter-Island Shipping Support Project
- The Port-Vila Urban Development Project
- The Port-Vila Lapetasi International Multi-Purpose Wharf Project
- The Vanuatu Tourism Infrastructure Project
- The Vanuatu Aviation Investment Project
- Regular monthly meetings with the VPMU Steering Committee
- Regular meetings with the Financial and Development Partners
- Regular communication with stakeholders, beneficiaries and vulnerable groups
- Undertake actions and follow up of the meetings resolution
- Regular staff management meeting
- Work closely with other related infrastructure projects
- Development of staff bi-annual and annual work plan
- Assessment of staff performance
- Provide regular project progress report
- Liaise with and work in close partnership with government stakeholders through Implementing Entity Agreements to facilitate the project implementation process
- Grievance management and redress
- Environment management and monitoring
- Resettlement management and monitoring
- Gender empowerment, including the equal participation of women both within the overall operations and projects