The main objective of the PVLIMWDP is to build a new International Multi-Purpose wharf and container yard and facilities at the Lapetasi wharf in Port Vila to mitigate high berth occupancy at the existing international wharf, being shared with priority cruise ships, and to provide the container storage at LCL unpacking space. Furthermore, the project will introduce efficient and effective management and operation, to invest in cargo handling equipment, and to develop new relationships with stakeholders. This could result in improving the present high-cost stevedoring services, delivery delays, and congestions which caused poor delivery performance of FCL and LCL cargo to consignees. In essence it will improve international cargo distribution, thereby contributing to socioeconomic development of Vanuatu. A consulting services was engaged to assist the executing agency, MIPU, to implement the Project in the most efficient and timely manner while ensuring safety by carrying out the services. In executing the services, the Consultant will follow the relevant regulations, guidelines and procedures of the GOV and the Japan International Cooperation Agency. The Consultant will also promote technology transfer by employing suitable qualified Vanuatu professionals, engineers and staff to take part in the services.

The Project duration is from June 13, 2012 to April 2018 and comprised the following Scope:
• Demolition and removal of the exiting Lapetasi wharf and its piles,
• Construction works for a new wharf (200m long and 20m wide) and associated works,
• Dredging works of 120,000 m3 for berthing pocket and approach channels,
• Reclamation of 110,950 m3 for land,
• Improvement and paving of the existing reclaimed area,
• Demolition of the existing on-shore buildings,
• Development of new container storage and handling facilities, including refrigerated container facility, quarantine wash-down facility, other new onshore facilities, and associated works,
• Restructuring of the terminal operating company
• Provision of new cargo handling equipment, including a mobile container crane and forklift trucks
• Consulting services .
Progress Update
The loan agreement between the GOV and the Japan International Cooperation Agency has been signed on June 13, 2012. The Consultant was engaged on the 6th August, 2013 and mobilised on the 18th September, 2013. The detail engineering design and tender documentation were completed in August 2014 and two stage bidding process which sees only three prequalified bidders were invited to bid from August to October 2014. The bid documents were submitted and evaluated by December 2014. Contract negotiations were concluded in February 2015 and a contract was signed in May 2015. Additional financing has been approved by JICA in May 2015. The Physical construction works commenced in October 2015. The Implementation of the consultants works in on schedule.